NMTA Class D Tournament

The Cellar team did great at the NMTA D-class tournament taking place Sunday, November 17th near Chicago, Illinois. Our team finished the day with a 6-3 record. Every fighter showcased their skills and the team demonstrated excellent clinching and the ability to adjust effectively round by round.
- Jaxon: Went 2-0, displaying exceptional clinch work paired with sharp body kicks.
- Liam: Finished 1-1, utilizing strong teeps to transition into the clinch effectively.
- Solomon: Went 1-1, making solid adjustments and maintaining excellent teep control and clinch positioning.
- Jozi: Finished 1-1, capitalizing on her range and integrating effective double attacks.
- David: Went 1-0, showcasing smart southpaw strategies with clean and simple attacks.
A big thank you to Rich and the staff for hosting a fantastic event!
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