
Team USA Lands in Poland

With flights from Minneapolis to Chicago to Zurich, Switzerland to Warsaw, Poland and then a 3 hr bus ride through stop-and-go traffic to Lochow, the US Kickboxing Team finally arrived at it’s host hotel. We were greeted at the airport by a TV crew and have since settled into our hotel. It’s a beautiful resort with each fighter/coach getting their own room. We have access to everything we need here: training area, food accommodations, sauna, and hot tub. The funny thing is that we are the only ones here. The team has an entire building of rooms all to ourselves and the rest of the hotel is vacant; except for staff who are waiting on us.

Adam McDermid and I went for a short walk last night to a grocery store. Along the way we passed posters for the USA vs Poland event everywhere. We also are attracting all sorts of stares. I don’t know if it’s because of the posters, Adam’s long curly hair, the way we dress, or a the fact that Lochow is a small town and we don’t belong here. Whatever way it is, we are being treated great so far and have enjoyed the surroundings.

It’s Friday morning as of this post, we are currently getting a morning workout in to get rid of any jet lag. We are then being taken on an excursion to some city to do some sight seeing. Don’t know where yet, but I know we’ll be well taken care of.

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Poland – Day2

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