Grand Master Ajarn Chai Seminar

Grandmaster Ajarn Chai Sirisute is coming to teach a seminar in Minnesota on April 14th & 15th at the Minnesota Kali Group.
Ajarn Chai is the founder of the World Thai Boxing Association and is responsible for bringing Muay Thai to the United States. He had a total of 72 fights in Thailand before retiring from the fight game and moving to the United States in 1968.
The Cellar Gym is affiliated with the World Thai Boxing Association and follows their ranking system. Coach Chris, Coach Ben, Coach Ryan, Jen and Krista all earned their Kru under Ajarn Chai.
Fun fact: When Ajarn Chai first came to the United States, he trained the “Hells Angels” motorcycle gang. He had no idea who they were until the FBI told him. He then started training the FBI!
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