2016 IBJJF Pan Ams- Saturday/Sunday ReCap

The Cellar Gym’s brown and black belt athletes competed on Saturday and Sunday at the IBJJF Pan Ams in Irvine, CA. Lemmy Sturua and Dave Margraf both competed on Saturday while Mayko Araujo and Karen Antunes finished up the tournament weekend on Sunday.
Lemmy had a very exciting and impressive match but unfortunately lost due to points.
Dave won GOLD at the IBJJF Pans in the Masters 2 Brown belt division! Congratulations Dave!
Karen won SILVER at the IBJJF Pans in the Women’s Black belt division! She lost an incredibly close match against Mackenzie Dern due to advantage points (score was tied 4-4). This is a huge accomplishment for Coach Karen as Mackenzie Dern is ranked the #1 Female Adult Black belt with nearly 500 points over the second ranked female
Congratulations to all of our competitors!
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