Poland – Day 4 (Fight Day)

I have to make this very quick, my power converter/adapter just blew on me and started smoking so I can’t recharge my laptop battery and I have limited life left. I promise to write more when I get a new adapter.
Very Quick Results:
Dee Jay Jones: Lost by decision – close fight, but opponnent was the aggressor and landed more shots
Chris Cichon: Lost by very close split decision – Chris fought the perfect fight he needed to, but didn’t get the judges nod. We knew going in that we needed to win very big to get a decision. The USA coaches both had Chris wining the fight and several Polish fans also thought he won, but it was a very close and exciting fight and the fans were thrilled to watch it.
Danny Griffin: Lost by decision – Danny fought a good fight for filling the team spot on short notice. Danny landed some good kicks but he fought a very game opponent and came out behind on the score cards.
Adam McDermid: Won by decision – Adam fought an awesome fight and controlled the distance against the shorter opponent with is great kicks. Adam threw and landed tons of kicks per round and the Polish fighter had no answer for them.
Scott Lanigan: Lost by decision – Scott fought a very good fight against another game Polish fighter. Scott landed some very good punches on the inside as well as some strong rear leg round kicks, but was out pointed by the veteran fighter.
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