Carey Vanier Suffers Loss at VFC-40 in Omaha, NE

Carey Vanier suffered a tough loss Saturday night at Victory Fighting Championship 40 in Omaha, NE. Vanier faced Ultimate Fighter veteran, Dakota Cochrane in the main event of the televised portion of VFC. He started off very strong, controlling the pace of the fight, landing punches and even a great head kick. Dakota shot first for a takedown and Carey quickly reversed it and took Dakota to the ground. A short while later the fight moved to the cage and Carey scored two takedowns while landing several shots from the top position. When the fight went back to the feet, Carey stepped in to land punches but caught an elbow from a missed punch by Dakota and fell to the ground. The referee jumped in quickly and waived the fight off. It was a tough loss for Carey as he was controlling and wining the entire round, but he’s looking to get back in the gym quickly and get back on the wining track.
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