Youth Martial Arts Update

In January, we moved the youth Martial Arts classes into a new classroom. It has been a fantastic change! The new space has been outfitted with state of the art Zebra mats and the floor space is double that of the previous room. It doesn’t stop there; the classroom will soon have heavy bags and few more surprises!
The students are not the only ones to benefit from the new space. The parent lobby has also doubled in size to allow parents and siblings to watch students in a comfortable space!
Coming soon: 2018 Martial Arts Summer Camp
With all the snow outside, it is difficult to imagine that summer is just around the corner. But it is! Start planning your child’s summer experience by thinking about our Youth Martial Arts Summer Camp. Camp will be run from June 11th – August 31st.
We are more than just a camp! At The Cellar Gym, we believe that kids should be instilled with values such as confidence, leadership and respect! These values will help them in every area of life including leading a healthier and happier lifestyle.
Students can pick from a variety of camp options including half day, full day, one week or they can dive in for the whole summer of martial arts training. Each day will consist of martial arts classes, fitness focused games, eat healthy snack options and make lifelong friendships.
New this year: We will be adding weekly field trips to nature centers, zoos and water parks as an added bonus!
For more information visit Here.
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