Robert Drysdale BJJ and No-Gi Seminar Set for Oct 13

The Cellar Gym is extremely excited to announce we will be hosting 6x World Champion, ADCC Absolute Champion, and UFC Fighter, Robert Drysdale for a 2-part Jiu-Jitsu seminar at The Cellar on Sunday October 13th.
1:00-2:30PM – BJJ Seminar with the Gi
3:00-4:30PM – No-Gi Jiu Jitsu Seminar
The cost of the seminar is $50 for a single session (Gi or No-Gi) or $80 for both sessions.
Registrations can be made at The Cellar Gym or online HERE. This seminar is open to the public, anyone from any gym, affiliation, etc. may participate.
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